But well last week due to some error alarm happened on one of the station and we need to go down the station to find out what is the problem. This station is a bit funny, it is located at the back of a primary school. The only way to reach the station you need to passthrough in the middle of the primary school. So i took the chance to have a look on their primary school environment then...........
The entrance of the primary school.

Now you know how lucky that our primary school environment is not like this and yet everyone is complaining that schools in Malaysia is dirty and old.

Beside the school, it is a railway station and track. (It is still in use, there is train coming often) But people still walk along the railway track when there is not train coming, this is so dangerous but it is common here in Bangladesh.

These kids walking and playing on the railway track.

Yeah this might be my last blog for Bangladesh. I will be leaving Bangladesh on the 11th Dec and back to Malaysia. I wouldn't know which country will be for my next evection. Stay tune for my next destination's blogs!!!!
1 comment:
what? that's all for your bnangladesh trip? it's too short, isnt it? haha
have a safe trip home, dude.
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